First it was the cider
and then it was the ale.
Then it was the chocolate,
and I got thirsty again.
There are Disney-ads and
carols on the telly
and the grass is never
as green as by Christmas.
Money are spent without
neither care nor worry,
the wallets are never
as empty as by Christmas!
Mulled wine, ham,
sausages and eggs
Salmon, mustard,
toddy and gingerbread!
Meatballs, pastries,
sure you are't full yet?
Christmas is for eating,
and the scale is out-of-order!
First it was the cider
and then it was the ale,
tonight we count no calories
so raise your glass again!
Christmas is a noun, but I bet that there are as many definitions of Christmas as of the word "pleasant" -- or, to be fair, "awful". For some, Christmas means the buying of presents for loved and dear ones; for other it means receiving them. For some it means altruistically volunteering at the Salvation Army's steaming pots of soup, serving those for whom they are kept warm; for others it means drinking mulled wine and beer until they cannot see or walk straight.
Christmas for me is a well-deserved break after a stressful year, a last pause for breathing before kicking off a new year with force and determination. If all the Christmas presents are bought in good time even the Christmas anguish might be kept away! Christmas Eve in itself is to be with the family, eat and drink and enjoy a good evening in each other's company, even if it means waking up with a headache the day after (which I am sure that I am not alone in doing).
Regardless of what Christmas is to you, fellow pottery blogger or -reader, have a merry Christmas. Enjoy the food and enjoy the drinks: we won't count the calories until January. Enjoy what is left of the Christmas weekend, peace be with you, and I'll see you in a few weeks again.
Merry Christmas!
torsdag 25 december 2008
fredag 19 december 2008
Sol? Vinter?
Jag är uttråkad, ok?! Sitter och pluggar till Swedish oral commentary and it's simply killing me. Läste Boye och somnade. Sen vaknade jag och skrev. Jag vet inte. Bara detta: jag fryser väldigt, väldigt mycket.
låt mig få smaka
sötmans magi
tonernas ljus
låt mig få vaggas
I solnedgången
låt mig få andas in
solens andedräkt
guldets glans
låt det tina det frusna
I hjärtat
låt mig få njuta av
långsam förförelse
hetsig romans
låt mig falla
I solnedgången
låt mig öppna ögonen
stjärnklar blick
visdoms djup
låt mig leva
låt mig få smaka
sötmans magi
tonernas ljus
låt mig få vaggas
I solnedgången
låt mig få andas in
solens andedräkt
guldets glans
låt det tina det frusna
I hjärtat
låt mig få njuta av
långsam förförelse
hetsig romans
låt mig falla
I solnedgången
låt mig öppna ögonen
stjärnklar blick
visdoms djup
låt mig leva
onsdag 10 december 2008
fredag 5 december 2008
the sun.

That's how it feels, that feeling the photo gives off - at least to me it does.
A feeling you get when sitting somewhere x meters above the sea-level with your back turned to the city. Sitting and watching the sun go down kissing the horizon; embraced by it and drowning in its comfort.
It's beautiful, that scene - no matter how many times it repeats itself, there's just something about the way the sky fills up with a spectra of dreamy colours that mesmerises and captivates you, every time.
The final scene, the grand finale - seemingly.
The secret to beautiful and unique sunset-coloured photos is not to fill up your memory card or film with pictures when the sun's still dozing off above the horizon. No - hold your ground for a while longer after the sun's disappeared, and you will be rewarded with the afterglow, the sun's own way of giving a sign of life assuring you that it's not gone for good - by filling up the surface of the clouds above you and everything underneath with a faint although distinctive light, creating a mesmerising painting... And with the sun gone out of your focus, you turn instead to all the things illuminated by the colours around you: the clouds, the scenery, the seascape or maybe even the cityscape.
You start to notice everything, everything that you're otherwise used to.
Minutes later, you feel at peace.
Whoops, sorry, got carried away.
But this is relevant to the pottery blog, yes?

I might not be any authority around here, and I know time's are tough (for us IB2:ers) but how 'bout a sunset-theme? Are you able to overcome the limitations of words to describe the visually stunning moment of a sunset?
Or maybe you'll even go for another medium of expression?
So, pottery blog, how about it? :D
torsdag 4 december 2008
Okey so I found some old silly lyrics I wrote... and just couldn't help myself. Two possible titles: "Living on the outside bids for eternal chaos", or "Ghosts can’t get hold of anything". So fascinated by lyrics and how song names are really really important... And I apologize for the MCR-ish style, they are a great inspiration to a lot of the things I write.
Voices in my head
I cry, I plead
Why can I never have
the life I try to lead
Trying is all I achieve
I'm stuck, I'm broke
Your poisoning anger
makes me choke
Somedays I try so hard
to get it all together
Ghosts can’t get hold of anything
And I fall…
Can’t help sinning
Need the drugs, the pills
Ill-convicted anger
Who are to blame for all the ills?
Tell me what it’s like
Life bursting in the seams
What’s it like to be one of them?
What if we all are based on dreams?
Living on the outside bids for
Eternal chaos
How can anyone be sure
Of reality
Somedays I try so hard
to get it all together
Ghost can’t get hold of anything
And I fall…
Voices in my head
I cry, I plead
Why can I never have
the life I try to lead
Trying is all I achieve
I'm stuck, I'm broke
Your poisoning anger
makes me choke
Somedays I try so hard
to get it all together
Ghosts can’t get hold of anything
And I fall…
Can’t help sinning
Need the drugs, the pills
Ill-convicted anger
Who are to blame for all the ills?
Tell me what it’s like
Life bursting in the seams
What’s it like to be one of them?
What if we all are based on dreams?
Living on the outside bids for
Eternal chaos
How can anyone be sure
Of reality
Somedays I try so hard
to get it all together
Ghost can’t get hold of anything
And I fall…
onsdag 3 december 2008
Till Meng
Stora flingor som fyller skyn
Enkel vithet, en vacker syn
Glada barn på skolgården
I snön är alla barn på jorden
De som nästan vuxna är
Är ej vuxna i vinterns sfär
Världen är för stunden frusen fast
I ny vit färg, en vacker kontrast
Mot höstens gråa moln som gav vika
När vintern tyngde tills de började svika
Och vitt som barnens oskyldighet
Droppade snön ut så vitt jag vet
En ljus färg som nu är luftburen
Runtomkring och överallt i naturen
Visar ett vackert vitt ljus i livet
Ett ljus vi inte längre tagit för givet
Och vi står lyckligt och bara ser
Droppar av snö som fladdrar ner
Sakta och stillsamt, söker de sig
Mot marken för att gömma sig
Som nattfjärilar i mörka natten
Dras de mot markens mörka vatten
Det är fridfullt trots föränderligheten
Det är något vackert i flyktigheten
Och vi leker i snön, vi vinterklädda
Studsande runt, enkelt sedda
Med glada blickar mot vacker sky
I mörka jackor under rött paraply
Och hör hur vintermoln tynger och tvingar
Snöflingor som låter som fjärilsvingar
Enkel vithet, en vacker syn
Glada barn på skolgården
I snön är alla barn på jorden
De som nästan vuxna är
Är ej vuxna i vinterns sfär
Världen är för stunden frusen fast
I ny vit färg, en vacker kontrast
Mot höstens gråa moln som gav vika
När vintern tyngde tills de började svika
Och vitt som barnens oskyldighet
Droppade snön ut så vitt jag vet
En ljus färg som nu är luftburen
Runtomkring och överallt i naturen
Visar ett vackert vitt ljus i livet
Ett ljus vi inte längre tagit för givet
Och vi står lyckligt och bara ser
Droppar av snö som fladdrar ner
Sakta och stillsamt, söker de sig
Mot marken för att gömma sig
Som nattfjärilar i mörka natten
Dras de mot markens mörka vatten
Det är fridfullt trots föränderligheten
Det är något vackert i flyktigheten
Och vi leker i snön, vi vinterklädda
Studsande runt, enkelt sedda
Med glada blickar mot vacker sky
I mörka jackor under rött paraply
Och hör hur vintermoln tynger och tvingar
Snöflingor som låter som fjärilsvingar
måndag 1 december 2008
Just some random drawings I was planning on posting but never got around to.
You know those creepy photographers who walk around with their huge Canons and take pictures of random people without them noticing? Imagine me like one of those, except without the Canon and hopefully also without the creepiness. I wish there was a nice-sounding reason behind my drawing certain people, like they flash a peek into the depths of human nature or something. But to be honest, I just see some person who strikes me as "OH that could make a good drawing". And then I draw them. The end.
You know those creepy photographers who walk around with their huge Canons and take pictures of random people without them noticing? Imagine me like one of those, except without the Canon and hopefully also without the creepiness. I wish there was a nice-sounding reason behind my drawing certain people, like they flash a peek into the depths of human nature or something. But to be honest, I just see some person who strikes me as "OH that could make a good drawing". And then I draw them. The end.

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