torsdag 25 juni 2009

Need to be Bold

little men of clay marching to a tune
played by the moon and the stars
in a dream unlocked by singing

as the sun rises their wings unfold
to tell stories of the bitter taste
in a dream unlocked by loving

as midday blazes and cracks their skin
they smile and dine on hungry eyes
in a dream unlocked by longing

as the last rays of sun hit their faces
they lie down to die in the mud
in a dream unlocked by finding

fredag 12 juni 2009

Twofaced people.

Sorry to see the shadows fade
the fivefaced fiends revealed
from beneath hiding in reality
The ones with lost souls
pushing and pulling to drown
friends from before, but nevermore
whispered deceits and torn receipts
of favours long gone and spent
on hurting they are hellbent
not a request, an uninvited guest
the paranoia that spreads
in veins going cold from lies
and you turn and you see them
gleeful smiles all around
it's not strange that we learn
to mistrust and deceive
when all we hold in our hands
are hands that turn to dust
while a cold laughter ripples
the surface of a peaceful mind

måndag 8 juni 2009

Uppfriskande, krispigt och fräscht

efterlämnad i tystnad
och glömd.
önskan och hopp och

osäkerhet och förvirring,
en känsla av förlägenhet
och av att vara malplacerad
i en uppgivenhetsgivande värld.
blir nästintill likgiltig.

sen driva omkring,
tills plötsligt,
ur tomma luften,
från ingenstans,
ett stort ingenting uppenbarade sig.

och det var allt.