söndag 26 april 2009


the limelight bringing waterworks
whatever did you do to the world?
stadning there in your slacks
staging a play with bums
i know you had whiskey in your blood
but never that you felt so real

the cigar and your filthy hair
a personal cologne of chaos
serving me up like a prey
paralyzed by intense desire
look at you fuelling dreams and
sneaking up like a deadly sin

you edit in the rearview mirror
glossing over the head injuries
flipping lives like coins but you're
worth your weight in gold
as the animal instinct takes hold
whatever did you do to the world.


Ey ey, who cares about exams. I found a new interest. I guess it's kinda corny (pathetic?) once you figure this one out but: a beer to whoever get who this is really all about! (Hint: check latest post at yellowangel.blogg.se)

2 kommentarer:

Lucidor sa...

Haha, celebrity-crush ftw.

"I know you had whiskey in your blood
but never that you felt so real"
Häftigt. Väldigt häftigt faktiskt.

Om vi ska ha en titt på tonen så tycker jag den är väldigt träffande trånande, men det kommer naturligt antar jag, med tanke på vilken sabelnaglad best det antagligen handlar om.

O sa...

hehehehe mmmmm

can't wait until friday... premiere... mmmmmm