söndag 10 maj 2009

...it's the Garden of Eden

Let go of personal profit and fall
become addicted to the light
be your own favorite person, and show em all
this world is a dumpster

only some hearts shine bright
only some hearts tumble walls
don't even make the calls
take the risk and see the light

say goodbye to fate, change the cycle,
don't swear no oaths ever again
empty the dumpster, start to recycle
don't be a lock, be the key

So let go and let yourself fall
truth is in the rays of sunlight
truth is in the eyes at night
tumble walls, then you'll see

that this world aint no dumpster...

2 kommentarer:

Lucidor sa...

"Don't be a look, be the key"

Låter ju rent terapeutiskt, det där.

Rätt ljus ton i dikten tycker jag, om jag inte misstar mig helt. Liknelsen om världens likhet eller brist på sådan med en sopcontainer är rätt tilltalande också -- ibland känns den som en ständigt expanderande, fränt stinkande avfallshög, och ibland vacker likt livet själv. Det är rätt träffande.

Alex sa...

I like this one =)

I was gonna wait with commenting until I'd revived my brain enough to write something intelligent, but, eh, well, it's good!